We believe in the untapped potential within you to develop highly successful philanthropic and fundraising strategies. Get ready to unlock that potential at our upcoming NAYDO Academy! Join us and be inspired by experts, connect with amazing YMCAexperiences, and learn innovative approaches and best practices that will revolutionize your fundraising efforts.
Unlocking your potential
NAYDO Academy 2024
We believe in the untapped potential within you to develop highly successful philanthropic and fundraising strategies. Get ready to unlock that potential at our upcoming NAYDO Academy! Join us and be inspired by experts, connect with amazing YMCAexperiences, and learn innovative approaches and best practices that will revolutionize your fundraising efforts.
Tuesday, September 17 – Fundamentals
8:45 am Welcome
9:00 am Culture of Philanthropy Fundamentals
Presenter: Pam Havlick Hearn, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, YMCA of Greater Monmouth County, NJ
11:00 – 11:30 am Break
11:30am – Collaborations & Philanthropy Partnerships – Creating Greater Impact Together
Panelistas: Christina Harley, CFRE, Vicepresidenta de Desarrollo, YMCA del Suroeste de Ontario
Jennifer Yeomans, CFRE, Directora de Desarrollo, YMCA del Suroeste de Nuevo Brunswick
Jennifer Walker, CFRE, Vicepresidenta de Filantropía, YMCA Calgary
13:00 – 13:30 pm Working table
13:30 pm Closing
Wednesday, September 18 – Philanthropy and fundraising
8:45 am Welcome
9:00am – Fundraising Trends – Understanding New Generations – Major Gifts
Presenters: Meg George, Co-founder & President, and Phil George, Co-founder & Chief Philanthropy Advisor, George Philanthropy Group
10:00 – 10:30 am Working table
11:00 – 11:30 am Break
11:30am – AI and Fund Development
Presenter: Randy Klassen, CFRE, Fund Development Consultant with TR Leadership Consulting.
12:00 – 12:30 pm Working table
12:00 – 13:00 pm Break
13:00 pm Regional Case
14:30 pm Closing
Thursday, September 19 – Marketing and communications
8:45 am – Welcome
9:00am – Creating digital confetti
Presenter: : Dan Cruz, Director of External Communications, YMCA of San Diego County
10:00 – 10:30 am Working table
11:00 – 11:30 am Break
11:30 am Regional Case
12:00 pm Closing
Friday, September 20 – Sponsorships
8:45 am – Welcome
9:00am – Corporate Partnerships – Building Philanthropic Relationships
Presenter: Eileen MacNeil, Director Corporate Partnerships & Strategic Initiatives, YMCA of Greater Boston
10:00 – 10:30 am Working table
11:00 – 11:30 am Break
11:30 am Regional Case
12:00 pm Closing
Regional Case:
Presenter: Paola Juarez-Robinson
Director of Philanthropy and Community Engagement at the YMCA of the Cayman Islands, she is an experienced professional with a strong track record in hotel management and supporting charitable and nonprofit organizations in the Cayman Islands. She has been nominated twice for the Cayman Islands Tourism Association’s Stingray Awards and has played key roles in opening luxury hotels. Her experience includes working in local media, leading fundraising committees and serving on boards of directors of several organizations. In her official capacity, she has been instrumental in supporting financial assistance and community development programs through the YMCA and other organizations.
This space will discuss Grand Cayman’s successful “Caring Campaign”, an annual fund-raising campaign that exceeded the goal by 10%. Implemented in June 2023 with a duration of 6 months, the campaign involved corporate and public sectors, with the leadership of the Philanthropy Committee and a dedicated team. The strategic use of resources such as marketing and social networks will be discussed, and how these tools helped to exceed the proposed objectives.
Regional Case: Marketing and Communications Plan for Fundraising
Presenter: Edney Delgado – Marketing and General Program Executive at ACM São Paulo.
Edney Delgado brings nearly three decades of expertise at ACM São Paulo, where he has been instrumental in shaping and leading various programs. With a strong foundation in Physical Education, Edney holds postgraduate degrees in Sports Marketing and Business Administration, and a postgraduate degree from the Institute for Preparing Secretaries of YMCA Brazil.
We will present on the dissemination process of the “Mão Amiga” program, tailored for staff, volunteers, and donors. We’ll explore the communication system designed to keep donors informed and deepen their commitment to our cause. Discover the innovative strategies and approaches we’ve developed for new donation proposals, aimed at attracting additional support. We’ll also share the impactful results of YMCA São Paulo’s social program, showcasing how these initiatives have positively transformed our community. The session will conclude with an interactive discussion, encouraging participants to exchange ideas and reflections on enhancing the management and communication of donation programs.
Regional Case: Fundraising campaign to welcome migrant children and youth detained and deported to Mexico.
Presenter: Angélica León, YMCA Mexico Fund Procuration Coordinator.
Angélica León is currently part of the Institutional Development team at YMCA Mexico as Fundraising Coordinator, focusing on collaboration with companies and foundations. She has led successful campaigns for the benefit of YMCA Houses for children and young people in mobility in Tijuana and Piedras Negras.
The objective is to highlight both the successes and the challenges of the recent campaign for the benefit of migrant children and youth in Tijuana. We will focus on how to strengthen and expand our alliances with companies, such as Soriana, and how to improve relationship processes, from initial contact to loyalty, accountability, continuous evaluation and expansion of collaboration. In addition, it will seek to promote an inclusive environment and increase social awareness of the situation of these children.
Culture of Philanthropy Fundamentals
Presenter: Pam Havlick Hearn, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, YMCA of Greater Monmouth County, NJ
Creating a culture of philanthropy at every level is critical to successful fundraising in all Y programs. Developing a culture of philanthropy includes intentionally educating and engaging members and program participants; full-time, part-time and summer staff; current and former board members; parents, alumni, and other affinity groups. Small efforts can begin to create a culture and community that understands the need and sees their role in making an impact.
Participants will:
1. Understand the importance of and how to create a culture of philanthropy at Ys and in Y programs to ultimately grow support
2. Learn ways to educate and engage stakeholders of various ages and roles
3. Take away specific examples and tools to implement in your Y programs
Collaborations & Philanthropy Partnerships – Creating Greater Impact Together
Christina Harley, CFRE, VP, Development, YMCA of Southwestern Ontario
Jennifer Yeomans, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, YMCA Southwestern New Brunswick
Jennifer Walker, CFRE, Vice President, Philanthropy, YMCA Calgary
Creating a culture of philanthropy at every level is critical to successful fundraising in all Y programs. Developing a culture of philanthropy includes intentionally educating and engaging members and program participants; full-time, part-time and summer staff; current and former board members; parents, alumni, and other affinity groups. Small efforts can begin to create a culture and community that understands the need and sees their role in making an impact.
Participants will:
1. Understand the importance of and how to create a culture of philanthropy at Ys and in Y programs to ultimately grow support
2. Learn ways to educate and engage stakeholders of various ages and roles
3. Take away specific examples and tools to implement in your Y programs
Working tables
Open space to all participants who want to deepen the topic of the session, its objective is to promote discussion through the exchange of experiences, learning and good practices among the YMCAs.
Fundraising Trends – Understanding New Generations – Major Gifts
Presenter: Phil George, Co-founder & Chief Philanthropy Advisor, George Philanthropy Group
Presenter: Meg George, Co-founder & President
Meg + Phil George will lead a session around the implementation of major and principal gift best practices and how our country’s philanthropy trends advance an organization’s reliance on and need for these skills. As campaign and development counsel to YMCAs that have embarked on significant capital campaigns, Meg and Phil will offer tangible takeaways and best-in-class recommendations around the four stages of a major gift solicitation, including real-life donor profiles and example asks, frequently-faced challenges in securing visits and executing on asks.
Participants will:
1. Discover a relationship-centric, impact-oriented approach to soliciting philanthropic investments
2. Learn how to plan for long-term sustainability
3. See how to manage fund initiatives through personalized, deliberate activity
AI and Fund Development
Presenter: Randy Klassen, CFRE, Fund Development Consultant with TR Leadership Consulting
In this session, we will explore the power of Chat GPT in Fund Development. Attendees will gain an understanding of Chat GPT and its capabilities, discover various applications of Chat GPT in Fund Development, and learn about the benefits it offers.
We will provide practical tips for getting started with Chat GPT, including identifying use cases, gathering data, training models, and incorporating feedback. Uncover how Chat GPT can revolutionize donor engagement, case for support and proposal writing, data analysis, content creation, and campaign optimization in Fund Development.
Participants will:
1.Develop an understanding of Chat GPT, including how it works and its key features.
2. Discover its potential in Fund Development and explore real-life examples of its application in donor engagement, proposal writing, data analysis, content creation, and campaign optimization. 3. Learn about the benefits of using Chat GPT in Fund Development, such as time and cost savings, increased efficiency, improved donor engagement, and the ability to generate personalized responses and content.
Creating digital confetti
Presenter: : Dan Cruz, Director of External Communications, YMCA of San Diego County
Are you ready to create digital confetti? Then, join in and learn how to leverage and integrate social media, PR, and fundraising to reach your Ys goals! Topics include creating consistent content that resonates with your audience, turning employees into influencers, leveraging your Ys impact and story-telling content, expanding audience base, getting buy-in from your local press, politicians, partners, and more. By the end of this webinar, you will have a blueprint for developing a simplified strategy that moves the mark with practical ideas and solutions to focus on what matters most in social media and PR to help support your Ys fundraising strategy.
Participants will:
1. Build an outline with practical ideas to intertwine and leverage their Y’s “digital confetti” for social media, PR and fundraising.
2. Learn how to launch a Y Storytellers Program – a proven success story of an employee influencer program that helps expand resources, reach, and increase community-minded content.
3. Learn strategies to expand reach and philanthropic efforts by effectively leveraging media, partners, and politicians.
4. Discover content ideas that effectively demonstrate the Y as the solution.
Corporate Partnerships – Building Philanthropic Relationships
Presenter: Eileen MacNeil, Director Corporate Partnerships & Strategic Initiatives, YMCA of Greater Boston
The YMCA of Greater Boston will share learnings and best practices from its Corporate Partnership program. By tailoring the donor experience to each individual corporate donor, the Boston Y has been able to strengthen our partnerships with donors like The Boston Celtics, Delta Air Lines, Deloitte, Arbella, TJX, Liberty Mutual and more! This session will take you through the process of acquiring donors; creating collaborative partnerships that include brand alignment, volunteer opportunities, corporate membership and programming and stewardship; and using cross-functional approaches between YMCA departments to enable multi-year impact.
Participants will:
1. Learn how to approach and acquire corporate partners
2. Create collaborative partnerships that meet the needs of the partner and the Y
3. Discover how to use cross functional approaches to build and grow relationships
Did you know?
The Regional Node is a permanent member of the NAYDO Council, which allows it to influence this network. The Council grants access to all Alliance members to monthly virtual training, discounts on registration for in-person conferences, eligibility for grants, as well as other exclusive benefits available for members only. Register here to receive this information (Please note, in the Association section, select the “international” option)
If you wish to learn new concepts,
Let’s develop together an inspiring roadmap to enhance your fundraising and philanthropic strategies!
Note: Remember that these services are part of your YMCA membership