Racism in Latin America

Maria Fernanda Giraldo

Racism is a global problem that has existed for centuries, and Latin America is no exception. In Colombia, racism has manifested itself in various forms, from discrimination in employment and education to racial violence and social exclusion. As a young man of 18 who is passionate about anti-racism, I am committed to the fight against racism in Colombia and around the world.

It is important to recognize that racism is not something that is limited to interpersonal relationships, but is a structural problem that is reflected in society at large. In Colombia, racial discrimination has been reflected in the economic and social inequality gap between indigenous and Afro-descendant populations and the rest of the population. These communities face a lack of opportunities and access to basic services, which prevents them from escaping poverty and improving their quality of life.

Racial violence is also a serious problem in Colombia. Black and Afro-descendant people are more likely to be victims of violence in the country, including police violence and violence by armed groups. This violence is exacerbated by the authorities’ lack of attention and recognition of Afro-descendant communities and their needs.

It is important to note that racism is not only a problem that affects Afro-descendant communities, but also affects indigenous and mestizo communities. Racial discrimination is a problem that affects all people who do not conform to the stereotype of the “white” and “western” person.

As a YMCA volunteer, I am committed to fighting racism in all its forms. The YMCA works in partnership with Afro-descendant and indigenous communities to promote equal opportunity and social inclusion. We are working to educate young people about racism and foster empathy and understanding between different cultures and ethnicities.

But this is not enough. We must work to change the structures and systems that perpetuate racism in Colombia. We must demand that measures be taken to address the economic and social inequality gap between different communities. We must also demand that acts of racial violence be investigated and sanctioned.
As young people, we have the power and responsibility to lead the fight against racism in Colombia and around the world. We must educate ourselves about racism and foster empathy and understanding between different cultures and ethnicities. We must also unite to demand a more just and equitable future for all people, regardless of ethnicity.

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